Here are two things that you can do to help yourself and your career in these uncertain times:
Upgrade your skills. Continuing to educate yourself is going to be key in standing out from the herd and adding value to your current or future employer....
I gave a talk on Groovy Unit Testing to the Boulder JUG and the Denver JUG this week. The talk was well received, and I got some helpful comments that I will certainly incorporate into future version of the talk. The talk covered:
How do you speak at a local Java Users Group? It's really simple actually...
Pick a topic relevant to the group. Talk to your friendly local coordinator to see whether your topic is appropriate or of interest to the group. It is very likely that the...
I find this year's election very interesting as a Canadian living in Colorado. I am merely a spectator since I have yet to become an American citizen. Still, I do see this as a pivotal moment in the history of this nation. Americans get to decide what...
Take a picture of yourself right now. Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair…just take a picture. (should be super-easy with Photobooth) Post that picture with NO editing. Post these instructions...
I spent some time going through the Elegant Code blog after Jared blogged about his latest interview. I was very impressed with the content and added it to my subscription list. I strongly recommend it to anyone who are interested in increasing the elegance...
[[posterous-content:pljoGHpntHCjlwHxFqxt]] Here is what I publish through this blog's RSS feed. It's not bound to what I actually write... This was created using Wordle and is licensed under a Creative Commons By Attribution License. Read More...