Stu Halloway tweeted about the following Pastie earlier today:
He questioned the counterintuitive result of blank? returning false on an empty Java array. He then asked which whether Ruby, JRuby or Rails were the culprit.
My first mandate when I joined Project Kenai was to improve it's performance. Kenai wasn't known for being speedy back then. We had some serious performance issues with both page rendering in the browser as well as generating the content on the server...
I firmly believe that any developer who doesn't use the different tools available to communicate outside of the bubble that is the people they work with or the company they work for is short changing him (or her) self.
The Colorado Springs Open Source Users Group record the presentation that are given to their group. Here is the recording that was made of my abbreviated introduction to JRuby:
The JRuby MemCache Client uses Greg Whalin's Java based MemCache client to connect to the servers that implement the MemCache protocol. This client uses a connection pool to connect to and communicate with the memcached servers.
You can just feel the panic rising. You were logged into the production database fixing a few records when you made a small mistake with disastrous consequence.
I wrote a post about using the jruby_memcache_client Rails plugin to manage sessions. Since then, Abhi Yerra made a fork of Ikai Lan's repository and turned it into a gem. I promptly merged his changes into my repository and I am now publishing my own...
[[posterous-content:wdykAJltECxqnnbyaEvv]] I opened up the Colorado Springs Open Source User Group with a very quick introduction to JRuby. The talk was well received and there was a good back and forth with the audience. Many interesting questions... Read More...
We've all seen people who have 2 or 3 work in progress items within a single workspace. Even the workspace owner doesn't always know what file belongs where, nor can they really prove that their change will integrate cleanly with the rest of the code...